Monday, February 1, 2010

0 Information Overload!!!

I watched the iPad keynote on live on ustream. I was with Neil Torda. A small but active group of WCU staff and faculty were sharing information and comments as events unfolded. I had a lively post-keynote conversation with Neil both after Jobs' presentation and in the carpool on the way home. My mind churned with blogging possibilities and discussion post opportunities. That was last Wednesday. To date, I have not blogged about the iPad; I have not engaged in a vibrant dicussion about it in my other class; and I have not posed it as a topic in my web 2.0 class. 

What gives? Well, I could tell you that the recent snowstorm set me woefully behind as my power and internet connection was intermittent at best. And that would be the truth, but only partly.

The truth is, I am again struggling with information overload. At the beginning of the semester, I was simply flabbergasted by the shear number of email messages hitting my inbox. Once I realized that many were redundant and I was not obligated to respond to them all, I began to feel a bit more in control. Then the discussions began to ramp up in quality as well as quantity. 

What to do? Well, as I waded through the 100+ emails that had piled up over the past five days, I realized I needed a few pointers on managing so much information. Not just for my classes, or for my job, but also for my hobbies, and my friends, and for my online social life, and for my career goals, get the point.

I found a decent blog with a few basic but useful tips at Digital Alchemy. I think the biggest thing I have done to help info overload is to presort my mail. I am also committing at least an hour a day to go through emails, even if I don't respond.

What are your tips for managing information and preventing info overload?

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