Wednesday, January 27, 2010

2 43 Things and The New Year

Looks like going back to school is a top priority these days. Or at least for the people who participate on are making school a priority. Not surprising given the current economic climate. I remember hearing somewhere that the people having that hardest time are those who do not have a college education, and are largely coming from the manufacturing or service industries. {Can I cite this? No, not readily, but you dear readers are welcome to Google it and get back to me.}

So anyway, I am wondering why you have gone back to school

Here's why I have gone back to get a second M.A.:
  1. I'm interested in educational technology (my program is called Digital Media and Global Education)
  2. I want to diversify my professional skill set (My first M.A. was in US History)
  3. I think it is important to communicate in a variety of ways (blogging, video, twitter, images, web design...)
  4. and of course, last but not least, I want to earn more (cha-ching)
So please, leave a comment telling why you have gone back to school.


  1. Hey Christie, im getting my MA for many of the same reasons, but mainly to be eligible to teach officially, instead of just guest lecturing...

  2. I am getting my MA to give myself more career options--I could teach at a community college, for example, or help the teachers at my school incorporate technology into their classrooms.
